Iroquois Center

Grievance Procedures

Complaint / Grievance Procedures: If you are dissatisfied with a service that is provided or have another type of complaint, please discuss the matter with your provider. If it is not resolved, please request a meeting with both the provider and the clinical director in order to arrive at an agreeable solution. If still not resolved, please write the concern on the attached form and submit to the Executive Director. 

The Executive Director will respond within 10 days to the person whom submitted the concern/complaint. If this does not resolve the issue, the Executive Director will submit the form and the Executive Director’s response to our Board of Governors for review. The Board of Governors will have a s response to the complainant and to the Executive Director within 20 working days. The Board of Governors will attempt to resolve the issue or concern, or provide the procedure and process by which the grievance can be resolved.

The complainant may also contact Behavioral Health Services: (785) 296-6807 located at 503 Kansas Ave., Topeka, KS 66603

If you feel that your protected health information has been improperly disclosed, or your privacy rights have been violated, please file a complaint with the ICHD Privacy Officer at (620) 723-2272 or the Secretary of DHHS (877) 696-6775.


A complaint must:

  • Be filed in writing, either on paper or electronically. 
  • Name the entity that is the subject of the complaint and describe the acts or omissions believed to be in violation
  • File within 180 days of when the complainant knew, or should have known the act or omission occurred – UNLESS this time is waived by the Secretary of DHHS for good cause shown.